Rohan Stubbings
Civil Celebrant

Legal Requirements
Legal Requirements for Marrying in Australia
• Before you may marry, the law requires that you sign and lodge with me the Notice of Intended Marriage. This form must be submitted to me a minimum of one calendar month and one day prior to the wedding. You can submit your Notice in person, via fax or mail, but you must bring the original Notice with you when you meet with me. The NOIM form will remain active for 18 calendar months from the date of submission.
• You must be over 18 years of age to marry in Australia
• If you are Australian born you must show your birth certificate in English. If born outside Australia you are required to show your birth certificate or passport from your country of birth.
• If either of you have previously been married you will have to produce your Divorce Decree Absolute papers and/or if either of your spouses are deceased, you must produce the Death Certificate.
• On the day of your marriage you must have two witnesses over the age of 18.
After your marriage I will submit documents to the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. After approximately two weeks you can apply to have a copy of your official Marriage Certificate extract. (note: the Commemorative certificate provided on the day, whilst officially numbered and proof of your wedding, it is not accepted as an official certificate for many purposes such as change of name, passport application etc)